DIY Cake Smash Photos

Blonde Mum Diaries

14956373_10153974174718038_1096094237862848731_nToday is my daughter’s 1st birthday (excuse me while I cry)…which means, time to let her dig her way through her own tiny birthday cake!

I loved the idea of doing a smash cake photo shoot for her to get some really beautiful photos…but did not want to pay the price of a professional.

Luckily, I treated myself to a professional for my birthday so I could take some beautiful photos myself. However, I still did my research on how to set up some nice smash cake photos…and got LOTS of inspiration from Pinterest.

If you do plan on doing a smash cake shoot on your own…I would highly suggest having reinforcements. My mom and husband were there to help…especially when the baby tried to escape, frosting covered and all.

(Let your helper(s) know that they could get messy…my mom was COVERED in icing by the end)

  1. Picking a theme

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